Monday, November 10, 2008

Our little Ashley was admitted to the hospital last week.
It started when i thought her tummy looked a little big. The doctor did an ultra sound and said her liver looked too big. She had to have an IV, blood tests, and scans of her liver. They made her go without milk for 11 hrs. It is the worst thing in the world seeing your little baby starving and going through all of this. After spending 24 hours in the hospital and all of the tests came back they said her liver was perfect. The doctors gave us the biggest scare. We feel so lucky and blessed to have such healthy girls.
Just when we thought nothing else could possibly go wrong in our lives, Bry fell off the roof. We were very lucky that all he hurt was his foot. We spent Saturday afternoon in the hospital getting x-rays. Luckily he didn't break it, but will be on crutches for a while.


Amy said...

Oh my gosh, you scared me!! i am soooo glad she is ok. i cant even imagine. kylee had bad jaundice and i even cried over that so i can only imagine what you were going through!! wow, your all in my prayers!

HDVB said...

You're in our prayers too - what trials/blessings you're going through right now! We love you guys, if you need anything, just let us know!

Britni said...

I can't believe all the craziness your family has been've definitely been in our prayers. Just remember I'm just a few blocks away if you need anything! I never know what to do to help, but I'm here!

Lacey said...

Wow, what a deal! I am so sorry... and crutches on top of that! Tell Bryan that dental school is hard, but he doesn't have to jump off the roof. he he

Taryn said...

You guys have had a run of bad luck if I ever saw one. Let us know what we can do to help!

Lanae said...

I'm so sorry that you're going through that! Austin was 5 weeks early and had to spend 2 1/2 weeks in the hospital... I cried quite a bit over that. You just feel so helpless and want to hold them and just take them home. But in the end it all works out. Good luck to you guys.

ASRussell said...

So glad everyone is doing better...we miss you guys so much!!!

Zach and Sara said...

oh sad, it sounds like you guys couldn't have had a worse round of bad luck. I'm so happy to hear that everything is good now. I still cannot believe you little girlies share a birthday. You are such a cute mom. We talk about you all the time at Bonco, we try to make it like you've never left!!

Erin said...

I'm so glad everyone is ok! We think about you guys all the time. Will you get a good break for Christmas?

Kaitlyn at the Beach at Bear Lake

Lake Powell